Everything old is new again

I am very excited as I just heard back from Carolyn Fraser from Idlewild Press and creater of GirlPrinter that I am booked in to learn the fine art of letterpress...the traditional way! I've dreamed of one day having my own printing press and upgrading from the toy letterpress, however a garage to house it in would be of assistance! But that is the long-term goal. Just imagine all the wonderful stationery, invitations and precious artworks I could create on my very own press!

1Letterpress Thank You Notes - Penguin

2Astaire - Flat or Letterpress Wedding Invitation


1. How cute are these gee thanks letterpress note cards from luckybeepress.
2. PaperandParcel has created this elegant invitation that would suit any wedding or party theme!
3. Melbourne Letterpress by Letters to Vince. Letters to Vince is one of my favourite letterpress studios and is based right here in Victoria. It was Meaghan Barbuto from Letters to Vince that put me onto Carolyn Fraser in the first place so thank you Meaghan!