Now's about the time

So I've decided that it's about time I put more energy into where the market is heading for handcrafted wares...and that is the internet. I love my market days at Boneo and hope to one day soon secure a place at Red Hill, but at the end of the day, the internet is what can reach people day or night, rain, hail and even shine.

What a fantastic start today! After getting home from work I managed to create and photograph the makings of a tissue bon bon for the first of my make it yourself series. Kits will be available at each market and on the Marnie Louanne Etsy site shortly with everything you'll need to start making your own personal crafts.

Roxie and Matilda both came over to help. As you can see, Roxie was such a marvellous assistant.


I've then managed to get this blog to a point that I love! I can't wait to start adding make it yourself articles and sharing my latest finds, ideas and blog finds. For starters, have a look at my Daily Reads and visit I go by Katie.